Mobility Infrastructure Assessment

Mobility Infrastructure Assessment

Mobile infrastructure reviews evaluate bring your own device (BYOD) policies and mobile security controls. The goal of this assessment is to identify potential holes in your organization’s security posture as it relates to mobile technology and to assist you in enabling your employees to work securely from anywhere in the world if so desired.   Our solutions make that very achievable, simple and secure and for a business of any size.

With our ITfrastructure™ offerings, we give your employees secure access to their entire suite of IT services (desktop, voice, messaging, etc.) on any device (computer, tablet, phone etc.) at anytime and at anyplace in the world by leveraging cloud technology and architecture.  Their desktop just as they left it last is immediately accessible from any device.


And leveraging our ITmobility™ product…

We give your BYOD mobile phone and IPad users access to corporate email, calendar and contacts on their phones and IPads without storing any data on the device itself.  Your employees are happy with convenient access to work e-mail, calendar and contacts without losing control of their devices and their privacy.  And your executives are happy because you have improved productivity without jeopardizing company data or opening the company to liability risks.

The combination of our cloud based solutions creates a secure, world-class solution for your business.


Call ANS today at 703-444-9700 or email us at