Let ANS provide you an Off-Site Data Replication / Backup Solution and avoid the hassle, risk, and burden of on-site tape backups. ANS provides secure, regular, online backup, offsite vaulting, and data recovery of business server data through its remote data backup and storage solution. All Replication backups are performed automatically over secure network connections to the remote ANS Data Center to ensure availability and recovery. Your data is automatically stored offsite at our secure data center where we employ state-of-the-art security to protect this critical server data. Offsite data storage provides your business with disaster recovery capability for essential data should your office become inoperable.
From Disk Storage to Tape for long term archiving…
- No tapes for your staff to purchase, handle, catalog, or store
- No backup staffing and scheduling
- No driving tapes offsite
- High Availability and Disaster Recovery
- Monthly Report Status
- Data Backup Analysis and Testing
- Security Controls